Come join the Friends of Saughton Park for our Apple Day, 1 -5pm, Saturday 26th October 2019. All welcome, free entry!
Take part in our ever popular teddy bear hunt, our teddy bears are dressing up especially for the occasion!
If you have spare apples please bring along for us to juice.

15.00 Judging of pumpkins
16.30 Raffle draw and spooky stories
Prize Pumpkin/Turnip Lantern Competition
Two main classes 11 and under and 12 and over, other spot prizes too on the day. Can you make the scariest lantern?
Bring your completed lantern for judging and display in the park.
We will provide the tea lights.
Pop-Up Cafe
If you would like to bring some baking for the pop-up cafe, please email Friends of Saughton Park at
Apple ID / Juicing
If you have apple tree growing in your garden and don’t know the variety bring a sample and we will try and identify it for you.