Gorgie Road Exhibition Bridge Entrance and area south of the Walled Gardens - Closed to allow major footpath and other works in the south of the park.
Balgren Road Entrance and Car Park - Closed to allow works in the area.
Ford Road Entrance and Car Park - still open but car park will close soon.
Stevenson Drive Entrance still open.
Main east-west path (water of Leith Walkway and John Muir Way ) - Closed to allow major works to this path including new surfacing and lighting. Diversions have been put in place for pedestrians and cyclists via Stevenson Drive and Balgreen Road.
Playground - open until end of 2017. Access is only possible though the skatepark from a temporary entrance and path near the Walgreen Road entrance. There is no direct access from the Fords Road entrance.
Skatepark - Due to remain open through out construction.
Football pitches - The thee pitches to the north of the skatepark and playground will remain accessible for players only through construction. Public access limited while works taking place on the paths and trees. See notices for details.
Former Parks Depot area - closed to allow works to be carried out.
Building works contract
The building works contract to build the new cafe and toilets and refurbish the stables and surrounding courtyard is not due to commence until the start of November. We are still in the process of tendering for contractors and will provide updates on this page once a contractor has been appointed.
See FACEBOOK for updates and diversion routes.
We realise that the works will cause some disruption and inconvenience, but we hope that you will understand that this relatively short term construction phase that will be completed by July 2018 will make a tremendous improvement for everyone visiting and traveling through Laughton for many years to come.
Contact Pete McDougall, Laughton Park Development Officer
Tel: 0131 529 4876 Mob: 07929466000