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We are absolutely delighted to announce that our bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was SUCCESSFUL!!!

The HLF has awarded £3.8 million to restore and improve Saughton Park. This, along with funding from the Council and other parties, will fund the necessary construction works and cover all professional fees, staff salaries and costs associated with delivering an exciting and diverse programme of volunteering, learning and participation activities in the park.

New Cafe Drawing, Saughton Park
New Cafe Space Saughton Park

This phase of the project will last for five years with the main construction works taking place between early 2017 and the middle of 2018. We will continue to work with landscape architects Ironside Farrar Ltd and architects Sutherland Hussey Harris to deliver the proposals they have helped us to develop over the past two years. During this first year, they will be developing detailed specification drawings and working with us to tender for construction contractors.

There will also be an Oral and Social History Project, and a range of events and activities that you can get involved with. You can view the proposals at



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